Thursday, April 8, 2010

A Chilling Question

Ah, Clancy! So glad you've dropped by, Old Chap. I wanted to ask you a question that has been weighing on my mind. It involves a sensitive, er, subject quite dear to all of the canine species. Mainly, how on earth do you go to the bathroom out there when it's -40 degrees outside? I've seen snow. I even visited it once, and let me tell you, I had no urge to sit down with the newspaper!

I don't really appreciate the winter weather here. I see no reason why I should have to piddle outside when it's wet and rainy. In fact, a, ahem, friend of mine has even been known to go in the house rather than face such harsh and disturbing bathroom conditions. (Seriously, Humans, would you like to do your business with rain running down your neck?)

How is this going to work for me in a blizzard? I've overheard Mom worrying about it, too. Something about an all tile house, I think. Perhaps you have your own little heated doggy outhouse? Lean-to? Awning!? Anyway, I'd appreciate any advice you may have, or input from your own experiences.

Thank you. I remain, as always,

Your devoted cousin,

Monday, March 29, 2010

My Goose is Cooked

It is getting closer and closer to D-Day. Mom says it's only another couple of months and we'll be moving. I'm trying to get as much fun packed into my days as I can. At least I'll have the memories to keep me through the dark, cold years ahead. And who knows, maybe someday Mom will bring me back here where all good dogs belong.

This weekend I went camping at our lake. It was fun. I love to camp! The only problem was the stupid leash Mom insisted I wear the whole time. How am I supposed to catch geese if I'm on a four foot leash? They don't exactly walk up to you and put their necks in your mouth! Come to think of it, it hasn't made that much difference to be off the leash, but I'm sure that doesn't mean anything.

Next year we won't be able to camp in March. It will still be too cold, but maybe we should give it a try anyway. At least then the mosquitoes won't be big enough to carry a full grown doggy off. Puppies maybe, but if they carry away a few of those young pups I've heard my Brothers and Sister talking about, they'd be doing a service.

See, Mom says they can get puppies when we move out there. What for? I've been dog enough for them here, and I'll be dog enough for them there. If any puppies come, I'll tell them how much fun it is to swim in the Alkali flats. Hmmph.